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時(shí)間:2023-03-22 16:41:42    來源:可圈可點(diǎn)組卷    






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2. 真誠



1. 開篇道歉;

2. 解釋錯(cuò)誤、保證不再犯同樣的錯(cuò)誤;

3. 期待回復(fù)


l we are sorry for any inconvenience we caused you.

l we appreciate your patience in allowing us time to research the information and respond to your complaints.

l we try our best but occasionally errors do slip by. please accept our apology for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

l thank you for your patience while we straighten out the confusion about your order.

l we are sorry that this is one of the few instances in which we cannot make a refund.

范文1: forgot business meeting

december 5, 20

ms. hannah brown

10 jane street

middletown, nj 00000

dear ms. brown:

please accept my apology for not meeting you for lunch tuesday. i had the appointment written on my calendar and was looking forward to the occasion, but somehow i got my days mixed up and didn’t realize the mistake until now.

please forgive me. i’ll call you on friday to see if we can reschedule our luncheon meeting at your convenience. i am eager to hear about the proposed taylor project in more detail.



appointment: how to cancel or decline graciously



1. 清晰

2. 準(zhǔn)確

3. 有禮


1. 開篇道歉

2. 說明原因

3. 建議調(diào)整時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)

范文2: canceling an appointment

june 2, 20

mr. michael j. morgan


jacobs, mackenzy, phillips

1811 west van dyke street

pleasantville, oh 00000

dear mr. morgan:

an unexpected complication in our west coast plant will prevent me from keeping our june 14 appointment to discuss the annual audit. we’ve been experiencing shipping problems, and i must fly out to lend a hand.

since it isn’t clear right now when i can return, i’ll have my secretary contact your office next week when my plans are more definite to set up a new appointment.

my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. i’ll be looking forward to our meeting.



范文3: saying no to a pushy salesperson

april 12, 20

mr. jack billet

ace printing service

111 main street

jacksonville, fl 00000

dear mr. billet:

thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with ms. mccarthy.

as ms. mccarthy has indicated on several previous occasions, we are very pleased with our present arrangements for printing and definitely will not be considering any other services in the foreseeable future. therefore, ms. mccarthy has asked me to tell you that a meeting would not be helpful at this time.

we appreciate your interest in our firm, however, and thank you for writing.



collection letters: the professional way to remind

customers that payment is overdue



1. 友好

2. 堅(jiān)定


1. 催繳

2. 確認(rèn)

3. 期待回復(fù)

范文4: step 1-just a reminder…

june 2, 20

mr. michael smith

1011 main street

midville, mi 000000

re: invoice 112657

dear mr. smith

we have carefully checked our accounts and can find no record of the payment you believe you made april 2 to cover the sum of $ due on the above-referenced invoice.

if you have received your canceled check from the bank, please send us a photocopy of it so that we can clear up this matter expeditiously. if you find you were mistaken about the payment, please send it immediately. thank you.



范文 5: step 2-still have not heard from you…

july 5, 20

mr. michael smith

1011 main street

midville, mi 00000

re: invoice 112657

dear mr. smith:

your payment of $ for the above-referenced invoice is now more than thirty days past due.

since we have hot heard from you in response to our precious correspondence, we assume that the balance is correct and that your records agree with ours.

it is essential that that this account be settled at once to avoid any problems with your credit standing. if there are circumstances beyond your control that are making it difficult for you to pay this amount all at once. we urge you to tell us about them immediately so we can discuss setting up an easy payment plan for you.

please mail your payment or contact us right away. we must hear from you at once to avoid further action.



范文 6: step 3-last chance before legal action…

august 15, 20

mr. michael smith

1011 main street

midville, mi 00000

re: invoice 112657

dear mr. smith:

unfortunately, we have not received a reply to our many requests for payment of the above-mentioned account. as you know, the account is now considerably overdue.

we are sure you understand that at our present wholesale prices we cannot afford to allow accounts to remain outstanding indefinitely. therefore, if we do not receive remittance within ten days from the above date, we will have no choice but to pursue other collection procedures, including legal action, without further notice to you.

we hope this will not be necessary and that you will send us the payment without any further delay.




p-h editorial (editor), 1990, prentice hall, englewood cliffs, new

jersey 07632



主體段:寫明投訴的原因,要展開說明,可以說具體的理由,也可以說問題的具體體現(xiàn)方式,比如,表達(dá)你對(duì)此事所帶來 不便的感受、心情。此外,提出你對(duì)如何改進(jìn)或者解決問題的建議,清楚表明你希望問題如何得到解決。


1. i am writing to you to complain about... 我現(xiàn)寫信向你投訴有關(guān)…

2. i am afraid that i have to inform you that... 我很遺憾地告訴你……

3. i am completely disappointed/upset to find... 當(dāng)我發(fā)現(xiàn)……,我感到非常的失望(傷心)。

4. there are some problems with.., that i wish to bring to attention. in the lust place .... in the second place .... 我希望你注意到在……方面的一些問題。一方面,……;另一方面,……

5. to improve the situation, it is advisable to take the following measures. for one thing .... for another .... 為了改善局面,建議采取以下措施。其一,……;其二,……

6. i sincerely hope that it win review its management system, with the view to (doing) ... 找真誠地希望……能檢討自已的管理方式,以便……

7. i look forward to a day when we could... 我期盼著有—天我們能夠……

8. i do hope that the problems will be solved as soon as possible. 我希望問題可以盡早得以解決。

9. i hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration to improve the situation. 我希望你們能夠考慮一下我的建議以便改善局面。

10. we believe that you will take this matter seriously from now on and make every effort to prevent its recurrence. 我們相信你們從現(xiàn)在起會(huì)認(rèn)真對(duì)待這件事情的,并努力避免此事的再次發(fā)生。














directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic a letter to the university president about the canteen service campus. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:




dear mr. president,


主題句: this letter comes to you from ____.

擴(kuò)展句: in it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon


主題句:as you know, _____ . but unfortunately, ______.

擴(kuò)展句:1、___. (舉例) as a result, _____.

2、besides, ______.

3、and whats more, _____.


主題句:some people may argue that ____.

擴(kuò)展句:1、for instance, ____ and ____.

2、but in my opinon, ______.


結(jié)尾句:to be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with _____.

擴(kuò)展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. ming



dear mr. president,


主題句: this letter comes to you from one of your students.

擴(kuò)展句: in it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon

第三段:對(duì)學(xué)校食堂的看法主題句:as you know, our students are the main customers of the university canteen. but unfortunately, we dont find the service there satisfying sometimes.


1、the food is not as nutritious as it should be. (舉例) as a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at university.

2、besides, sometimes the canteen people just bring us steamed bread with their dirty bare hands.

3、and whats more, the fare is also a little higher at university.


主題句:some people may argue that measures have been taken and things are improving there.


1、for instance, ic cards have taken the place of money in the canteed, and the attitude of the service people is also changing.

2、but in my opinon, progress is not so quick and thorough.


結(jié)尾句:to be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with the present canteen conditions,

擴(kuò)展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. thanks.



dear mr. president,

this letter comes to you from one of your it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon.

as you know, our students are the main customers of the university canteen. but unfortunately, we dont find the service there satisfying food is not as nutritious as it should be. as a result, some of us become thinner and weaker at , sometimes the canteen people just bring us steamed bread with their dirty bare whats more, the fare is also a little higher at university.

some people may argue that measures have been taken and things are improving instance, ic cards have taken the place of money in the canteed, and the attitude of the service people is also in my opinon, progress is not so quick and thorough.


dear sir or madam:

with reference to your letter on d like to ,first of all,convey my deepest appreciation to your offering me the position of manager assistant in your i am more than delighted and honored to gain your trust and assignment.

however,i have to decline this unexpected offer whih all unwillingness, which mainly results from an abrupt change in my schedule. when i applied for the position a week ago , i aslo sent an application to cloumbia university, for i hadnt yet made up my nind whether to start work afger graduation this month . what a coincidence ! i got the adminttance to the graduate school of english literrature in columbia university the same day i received your letter. weighing the pros and cons for an entire night ,i determine to seize the changce for further study abroad.

with my earnest apology, i do hop you can pay me due understanding and forgiveness for turning down your offer. in closing ,may your company have great prospects and enjoy extensive popularity.

yours sincerely.




dear sir or madam

mr. mrs. miss. ms.

yours sincerely, yours truthfully,


yours affectionately,



1:the time flies, we havenxxxt seen each other for a long time. all the things here are going on pretty well, i just miss you so much!


2:it is so great to hear from you again. 能再次收到你的來信我很開心。

3:long time no see! 好久不見。

4:i trust that everything is going smoothly for you.


5:it is a great pleasure for me to have this wonderful chance to put pen to paper and send greetings to you.



give advice:

in my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following action:


i hope you will not find it too forward for me to suggest that you...


in my experience, it seems that _______ would make sense in your situation.


at the risk of overstepping my boundaries, allow me to suggest that you____。



i truly appreciate your kindness.


i am grateful to you for...


i appreciate it more than i can say.


i can never thank you enough.


i wish there were a better word than xxx thanks xxx to express my appreciation for your generous help.


it was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and i appreciate it more than i can say.


many thanks for your kindness and hospitality.


now we have arrived back home safe and sound.


thank you from the bottom of my heart for...


thank you again for your kindness.



please accept my sincerest and deepest apology.


i apologize most sincerely for...


i am truly sorry to have done...


please forgive me...



1.i am grateful/obliged to you for...我非常感謝你的……

2.i am greatly indebted to you for what you have done. 我為你所做的一切表示感激。

3.i am thankful/obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during… 感謝你在……期間給予我無私的幫助。

4.i take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of your kind help you rendered me.


5.my appreciate to you for your generous help is beyond my words.i wish i could repay it some day.


6.words fail me when i want to express my gratitude to you.感激之情難以言表。

7.a(chǎn)gain,i would like to express our warm thanks to you.再次向你表示感謝。

july 7, 2008

dear prof. james,

as one of your students, i am writing to ask for your kind assistance. i wish to enroll in college of computer at oxford university, for which i am required to provide a letter of recommendation. as a senior professor in your field, one of my most respected college teachers and a person who knows me very well, you are the most suitable referee for me.

as you know, i have laid a solid foundation in computer science. i would be grateful if, in the letter, you would confirm that i have adequate qualifications to follow the course. would you be so kind as to give a brief introduction to my academic performance during my undergraduate studies, especially that under your supervision? besides, your personal opinion of me will carry special weight. i have to submit the letter next month.

thank you so much for your generous help in this matter.

yours sincerely,

henry scott





