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最新選修6u5課文翻譯匯總 環(huán)球微動(dòng)態(tài)

時(shí)間:2023-05-03 14:46:30    來源:可圈可點(diǎn)組卷    






an exciting job my job is the greatest job in the world. where i run is rare strange place, what i see is interesting people from all over the world, and sometimes the outdoor work, sometimes in the office, sometimes work with scientific instruments, sometimes want to meet with the local people and travel. but i never get bored. although my work is occasionally dangerous, i don"t care, because the danger inspires me and makes me feel alive. most importantly, however, through my work i can protect people from one of the world"s greatest natural powers, the threat of volcanoes.

i am a volcanologist working at the hawaii volcano observatory (hvo). my main task was to collect information about the kilauea volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in hawaii. after gathering and assessing the information, i helped other scientists to predict where the next lava flow would flow and how fast it would flow. our work has saved many lives, as the people can be notified of their leaving their homes as the lava flows through them. unfortunately, it"s impossible to move their homes away from the magma, so many houses are flooded or burned out.

when boiling hot rocks from the volcanic eruption and back into the ground, it causes the loss is smaller than imagine, this is because the rock falling kilauea fire near the top of the mountain. the damage caused by the volcanic lava flows down the slopes is much greater, because the lava flows down and everything is buried under the lava. but the eruption itself was spectacular, and i"ll never forget the first time i saw a volcano erupting. that was the second week after i arrived in hawaii. i had a hard day"s work that day and i went to bed early. i suddenly felt the bed shake when i was asleep, and then i heard a strange sound, as if a train had driven out of my window. i didn"t care about the sound because i had experienced many earthquakes in hawaii. i was just about to sleep again when suddenly my bedroom was as bright as day. i ran out of the room and into the back garden, where i could see kilauea from a distance. on the slopes, volcanoes erupt, red hot lava erupting like fountains, pouring hundreds of meters into the air. what a wonderful sight!

on the second day of the eruption, i was lucky enough to make a close observation. i and two other sciences were sent to the top of the mountain to get off the top of the crater that formed during the eruption. some special safety suits had been taken from the observation station earlier, so we put on our safety suits and approached the crater. the three of us looked like astronauts, and we all wore white protective suits over our bodies, helmets and special gloves, and a pair of big boots. it"s not easy to wear these clothes on start, but we walked slowly to the edge of the crater and saw the red and red boiling center. in addition, they climbed down the crater to collect the magma for future research. i was the first to experience such a thing, so i stayed on top of the mountain to watch them.

today, i"m still as enthusiastic about my work as i was when i started work. although i have been studying volcanism for more than 20 years, i am still amazed by the magnificent view of the volcano and its potential for great destructive power.

the lake of heaven (tianchi) changbai mountain in northeast jilin province, this beautiful mountainous area is mostly dense forest area. changbai mountain is the largest nature reserve in china, keeping its original state for the chinese people and tourists from all over the world. the height of the ground varies from 700 to 2,000 meters above sea level. it is a growing area of many plants and animals. rare animals have white cranes, black bears, leopards and siberian tigers. many people go to changbai mountain to study the unique flora and fauna. others go to the mountains to see the magnificent waterfalls, or take a bath in the pool. the most attractive place in the reserve, however, is the tianchi, or lake in the sky.

tianchi is a deep water lake formed by the crater of a dead volcano on the top of the mountain. the lake has a height of 2,194 meters and water depth of more than 200 meters. in winter, the lake is frozen. it"s about an hour from the end of the road to the top. when you get to the top of the mountain you will get a return - you can see not only the clear water of the sky, but also the 16 peaks surrounding the tianchi lake.

there are many legends about tianchi, the most famous of which is the story of three young girls from the sky. they were bathing in the sky, and suddenly, a bird flew over their heads and dropped a small fruit on the dress of the youngest girl. when the girl picked up the fruit and wanted to smell it, the fruit flew into her mouth. the girl swallowed the fruit and became pregnant. after a while, she gave birth to a beautiful little boy. the boy is said to be the ancestor of the manchus, with a flair for language and a

an exciting job 一份具有刺激性的工作 我的工作是世界上最偉大的工作。我跑的地方是稀罕奇特的地方,我見到的是世界各地有趣味的人們,有時(shí)在室外工作,有時(shí)在辦公室里,有時(shí)工作中要用科學(xué)儀器,有時(shí)要會(huì)見當(dāng)?shù)匕傩蘸吐糜稳耸?。但是我從不感到厭煩。雖然我的工作偶爾也有危險(xiǎn),但是我并不在乎,因?yàn)槲kU(xiǎn)能激勵(lì)我,使我感到有活力。然而,最重要的是,通過我的工作能保護(hù)人們免遭世界最大的自然威力之一,也就是火山的威脅。





the lake of heaven 天上的湖(天池) 長(zhǎng)白山在東北的吉林省,這個(gè)美麗的山區(qū)大部分是茂密的林區(qū)。長(zhǎng)白山是中國(guó)最大的自然保護(hù)區(qū),保持著它的原始狀態(tài),以供中國(guó)人民和世界各地的游客們觀賞。這里地面的高度從海拔700米到2,000米不等,是多種多樣動(dòng)植物的生長(zhǎng)地。珍稀動(dòng)物有白鶴、黑熊、豹子和西伯利亞虎。許多人到長(zhǎng)白山來研究特有的動(dòng)植物。另外一些人則是到山里來走一走,看看那些蔚偉壯觀的瀑布,或者在溫水池里泡個(gè)澡。然而保護(hù)區(qū)里最有吸引力的地方則是天池,或者說是天上的湖。











